Spring Is Upon Us in Boise, Idaho! And So Are Roof Leaks
It’s that time of year again when Mother Nature Seems just a little more bi-polar than usual. One day it’s 57 degrees, and the next it’s 27 degrees. With the last bits of snow melting and then refreezing so often lately, it’s no wonder that commercial roofing companies are seeing such a huge uptick in requests related to roof leaks in Boise, Idaho.
As the temperatures continue to rise, melting snow is going to find its way into every crack and crevice in your business’s rooftop in the form of leaking water. Most often, water will make its way through cracks in seals at transition points between roofing materials or areas that held the bulk of the snow’s weight throughout winter.
The constant melting of snow and refreezing of that runoff can wreak havoc on your roofing system. As water runs off it will inevitably find its way into every nook and cranny in your roof’s surface and then as it re-freezes, it will expand. That expansion can turn a hairline crack into a deep valley over time, and open a direct route for more water to travel through.
Areas where water has melted and pooled under snow crust can also lead to roof leaks. Standing water of this nature weighs 5 pounds per inch, per square foot. That weight adds up quickly and causes sags in your roof. With the displacement of roofing material because of sagging, gaps are bound to appear where water can make its way down into your interstitial spaces, and further, into your business.
Wayward water that makes its way to the interior of a structure can pose many risks. First, there is the obvious aesthetic damage that can be done as water can cause ceiling tiles to sag and stain, and drywall to swell. Eventually, these minor cosmetic issues morph into full-blown structural integrity issues. But there is a more sinister risk that roof leaks can present, and that is the fact that moisture in warm, dark places, such as the interstitial spaces of your building, provide ideal breeding grounds for mold and mildew. Mold can become toxic at certain levels and negatively impact the health of employees and customers over time if left unmitigated.
Although springtime is the time for robins to be hopping around and flowers to blossom, it is also the ideal time to inspect your structure for roof leaks as the snow finally all melts and disappears. Areas that are particularly susceptible to leaks are seams, edges, gutters, and areas where structures such as exhaust vents, plumbing vents, HVAC systems, and anything else that requires a break in roofing material and a seal between the roof and the object penetrating it.
If during your snowmelt inspection you discover roof leaks, don’t delay in contacting Upson Company for your commercial roof needs.